a place for thoughts and rants! I'll update every now n then :p template made by repth! click on the shark to go home

Beginning of Blog


- My Boyfriend is a Seal

- Inaminate Insanity [Spoilers!]

- Paper Written up for phone size


- I have wrist problems because of Art Fight 2023


- The Living Tombstone Rant

- Panty and Stocking Rant

- Winter Break Rant

- art rant about my personal art stuff

- Inaminate Insanity [Spoilers!]

Other Blogs

My Little Pony Blog


Busy week!

holy shit i just had like the longest week of my entire bruh

there is will be more info about my week on my mlp blog.. I'm planing on starting a new collection!

talking about it here!

okay so like for the past month I've had to go to show chior comps. as stage crew for my school, they're alot of fun until we have to go home at like 1 in the morning I thankfully was able to drag my boyfriend into stage crew with me so now he's my headrest on the way there n back because they comps are so far away the last one we went to was like 2 hours and I'll just nap on Logan on the way back I've been staying up really late for these comps and my mental health has been egtting better but It's also getting worse still? I"m like stagnet rn I'm really focused on mlp It's all i can think about rn it makes me so happy i wanna rewatch the series already but I'm not even done with gen 4 I keep rewatching the equestria girls show because I'm OBBESSED WITH EQ I don't know why but it's just so intresting to me bruh I rant about it here lawl I heart mlp I'm planning on some cool as keychains for it because i LOVE MLP anyways I got rid of my store blog because i thought it was lowkey STUPID [also because I'm probably not getting added to a webring because of it ] i want my blog to be more personal and not... store focused I'll still talk about my ideas on here tho >.< any how I've been lowkey failing my math class a tad, my end of year grade for all of my classes are currently low A's BESIDE'S MATH IT'S A C BRUH thankfully my teacher is alllowing to do a math assignment and if we do it and show all work he'll add 15 points to our lowkey test grade [my lowkeys from the qauter was like a 73 I think] but i got like a 56 on my math quiz i thought i COOKED ON but instead i got cooked... didn't stay off the hook.. I'm going insane I want to work on new items for my store so bad so i grow my collection more... [also because i have a cool ass idea for mlp keychains hopfully I can buy them soon I'm currently unsure how much money I have [shhh I'm not sharing shhhhh secret] but i hope it's enough for toys and fun! i went to the mall yesterday i bought the thoughest shirt of all time bruh it was this one

oh yeah i had a really logn week because of comp and then after comp [saturday] the following Wenesday I had a band assessment [WE COOKED BTW] then we had a talent show for my school's seniors [MY BF'S BEST FRIEND WON] and then there were probably a couple of Etsy orders and homeworks sprinkled in along the waymaking it the week realllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllly loooooooooooooooooooooooong [also i think a bunch of dumb stuff happened idk i forgot i have really poor memory probelsm it pissess me off bruh I really hope i can order my new keycahins soon I made a DJ-PON3 design which took me like 4 hours to make bruh [plus I'm making a derpy one to shhhhhh secret] I want to apply to more cons but idk man there's not really any good one's i can get my parents to drive me to + table costs like a table at galaxy con it like 600 bucks!!! I was thinking about applying to collect a con but I'm unsure if it'd get in so I'm trying to make a ton more items like posts n stuff :D

okay i think that's it for now? >.< I'm unsure lawl see ya!


general life update

Hey guys! sorry for all the recent vents recently yada buttt here's a general life update!


Okay so they released the new bfidia episode the same day they announced it and me and my boyfriend watched it on call together and holy shit i was so good it it made my mood like 100% better bruh i loved the whole coiny and pin stuff like BROOO JUST KISS ALREADY i keep thinking of this one line where Coiny went "I DUG OT THE CENTER OF THE HEART FOR YOUUUUUU" like PIN YOU BITCHH I WHY BRUHHHHH either way this episode was so good I'm really excited for the series to end I'm like actually begging for pin to win as it would connect to her line in TPOT "Maybe BFDIA was a fllukeee i can't do this without coiny!!!" like if she won that lie would work! same in bfb were coiny is upset that bfb isn't like bfdia like if he got 2nd UGH IT WOULD BE PERFECTTTTTT


HOLY SHITTT I LOVE II SOME MUCH I'M SO HAPPY SEASON 1 IS GETTING A REBOOT for context uhhhhmmm season 1 sucks.... BUT I hope the remaster keeps like the shitty animation aspect about it like PLEASE DON't MAKE IT LOOK LIKE SEASON 2 IT WON"T HAVE THE SAME CHARMMMM I just need an audio quality up dude i love this series so much dude I'm so excited for the continuation later this summer along witht he straight up reboot dude..... the finale to the series was so good [ i talked about it here if you wanna read I LOVE II SO MUCH I'M SO EXICTED PAPER X OJ IN HIGH DEF LETS GOOOOOOO I LOVE OBJECT SHOW YAOI!!!

oh my god new living tombstone single soon...

NOOOO I'M NOT READING THE LEAKED LYRICS NOOOO I DON'T WANNAAAAAAAAAAA IT'LL SPOIL THE PEAK!!! Okay so it's gonna be a love song which is exciting! the love songs by tlt are so good like "the love i need" and "sunburn" are really good from them... like YUHHHH Rust is gonna be such a good album I love tlt so sososososoosososoo much!!!! PLEASE COME TO MY AREA I'M BEGINGGGGG OH MY GOD I NEED TO SEE THEM AND HVE THEM STEAL MY 3DS OUT OF MY HAND WHILE I'M IN THE FRONT ROWWWWWWW UGHHHHHHH I NEED TO HEAR DISCORD LIVE IN CONCERT IT'D BE SO PEAKKKKK

okay that's it for now bye byeeeee


my phone broke and i lost 128 gb of data

vent [very long]

holy shit dude I've had like the worst 2 days i swear. Okay so for context i loveeee having a ton of shit on my phone like i had 1000+ photos of my friends on my phone, which was a samsung galaxy s10e [pretty friggin old] and my dumbass downloaded something that most likely caused my phone to go into a bootloop. so my phone kept crashing randomly and i was in a bootloop and eventually it just stopped turning on. like completely and i gave it to a guy, payed 90 dollars for him to figure out what was wrong with it, and apparently my mother board broke and theres not way to recover my data. what really sucks is that i really need to recover my notes app as i had some really important notes on there for passwords, assignments, work stuff the whole shabang and not having taht aqnymore stresses me out. This has happened to me before where i had an sd card adn i downloaded the same type of file and i lost 58 gb's of data. so In total because of me beign stupid i lost 186 gb's of data. Thankfully this time most of the photos of my friend's were backed up + some videos i really liked. something that's really annoying that i lended my old samsung tablet for my friend Neo and apparently i need that tablet to log into my samsung account which might allow me to recover some kind of data? I don't know I've been really destrat about losing so much but after the 1st time losing 58gb's it's been easier i guess? Something happened at school and it made me unhappy but i don't know how to express it? i don't know my mental has been getting worse and worse and as soon as i thought i was finally getting better my phone decided to break on me and now i have all of this stress about what phone to buy and being able to save data if it all just... keeps going away i guess? I've been trying to rebuild my intrest folders [folders i have relating to my intrests has when I start becoming intresting in something I like save a ton of videos and photos making me want to make a folder] but like whats the point of typing to rebuild them if I just keep losing them??? I don't know man I really got into archiving my favorite photos of my friends and videos of them too so now I'm worried like... what if the drive i have those photos of my friends randomly breaks again too?? the only thing that hasn't failed me every with like breaking randomly or deleteing my photos is my 3ds. Like after all my photos were gone and i got a new phone i just started looking at my 3ds photos and videos because my friends haven't really sent me many newish photos of gang? It's okay tho i have some and some old ones as well. I have really bad memory problems [not like from a doctor just mentally i have a hard time remembering what someone just said] like today i couldn't recall if my friend Andrew was at a fundrasier event because in my mind i assumed he was there. I'm not very socially aware or good at remembering things so i rely on my photos to help me remember. I don't know I'm just really upset about this and no one in my friend group seems to really understand how upset losing all of my data makes me and it just gets my mind thinking too fast. i don't know ya'll have read my blogs where i snowball into many different thoughts it's like that but with more negative things

I don't like venting on here so I'm sorry it happens so often it's just i usually blog when I'm at school and thats when stuff happens i guess If you don't want to read it in short i lost a bunch of stuff and I'm sad about it and little things are getting to me again

On the the bright side...

I still have my Cookie Run Kingdom account which makes me really happy and i still have a phone i can use. I'm still able to do work and I'm planning on getting a new phone after i make some more money My boyfriend has been helping me distract myself? If i were in the 5 stages of grief i would be right inbetween the accpetance and depression stage? I'm trying so hard to focus on thr bright side and know i have more than i did last time, along with my hardrive i can transfer photos, even with my website i have an archive of some old photos which is awesome. What sucks is that little things my friends are saying is really getting to me and i don't know why. I know they might be joking [sometimes] but still! anyways my bf is helping me by talking to me on call and he got me to play balatro which really helped me relax and it was so much fun! School has been stressing me. I might have a math quiz tomorrow + the thing i wrote down for an assignment was on my old phone so now i have to redo it!!! thankfully Logan is gonna drive me around and help me with the assignment :] I'm very thankful for him he understands why this is making me upset which i feel like most people don't? either way I'm trying to move on and blogging usually helps me get my feelinsgs out thanks for all of the support on my site recently!! I love being on neocities blogging has been really helping me process my feelings and such :] sorry for the long venty blog! i tried to section off the big part if people don't wanna read it :p



I JUST got nto cookie run and OH MY GODDD I love this game so much bruh maybe not game play but the character designs and the story is very very inresting to me I have this problem now n days that I'm in like EVERY FANDOM EVER So it's been really hard for me to find something new to get into like i just looped around to panty and stocking and I watched the entory of mlp equestia girls adn I'm still trying to finish mlp [i cannot binge it or my enjoyment for it will fade [like panty and stocking unfortantly]] BUT I don't know anything about cookie run besides the pretty character designs like OHH MY GOD THE STYLE IN THIS GAME IS AMAZING i swear the gameplay is just kinda bboring sometimes so i just click aut just to listen to the story my favorite is wizard cookie i love his voice he's so silly but character deisgn wise i really like choco drizzle cookie and pure vanilla like i KNOW thats kinda basic but his design is sooo gooddd I could litteralty gush about the tweening on the cookies i love the world building like UGHHHH I'M GONNA MAKE A COOKIE SONA SOON JUST WATCH ME BRUH!!! I'm getting back on my mlp grind also I'm getting to the part of the series i don't really remeber aswell because around when seasons 7-9 cam eout i was lowkey made fun of for watching mlp still so i havent seen like anything of seasons 9 between clips from it and a couple spoilers I'm just so happy to finally have a new intrest it's been hard to get into something my friend Insominac [online user :p] introduced me to it I'm litteraly doing so much better mentally due to a new intrest being in my life and I have inspiration for art and OH MY GOOOD I WANNA DRAW DARK CHOCO DRIZZLE COOKIE SOO BADDDDDD UGGHHH



OMGA I FINALLY HAD A SUCESSFUL COMIC CON!! Okay so I've been talking about "preparing for a comic con" and being really stressed n stuff and it finally paid off!!! Last Saturday I had a booth at a con and I made all my money back! [well just about >.<] I'm planning on putting my money into a car fun as my parents see my sales on Etsy and were like "yeah you can pay for your own car so I hope this year I'll have enough for a car! I almost sold out of all my new murder drones keychain [I only had one Uzi left ] but thankfully with the money i made i can make more! I sold out of a couple stickers but what REALLY sucked was I spent like 3 months working on my kirby gumball machine and it wasn't as big of a hit as i thought it would be but i really liked interacting with everyon etehy were so nice and i definiety know what to do next time for my cons :D I'm hoping i can go to another con in october maybe? there was a bigger one in my area but all of the slots for artist alley filled up already [sorry I'm not saying speifics I'm worried about my location n stuff yadada] but i REALLY wanna go to more cons this year, I love interacting with people at cons they're all so unique and different from one another it just makes me happy yk? [I'll add some photos later]


Valentines Day!!!

Hey y'all it's been a mintue I had online school and lowkey the only time i really update my blog is during school lmao I'm gonna do 3 blogs 1 about valetines day 1 about my comic con and one just a generalo life update i guess lawl anyways lemme get into it I HAD MY FIRST VALENTINES DAY EVER IT WAS AWESOME!! I've never had a valentine before and it was awesome!! My boyfriend is so sweet many we gave eachother gifts after school and he gave me yellow roses [my favorite color ] then he gave me a little bear it was blue and had his name on it and apparently it's a little bear he's had for a long time which was so so so sweet [i named him logan jr jr because we built a snow man a long time ago and named it logan jr] He gave me snow caps [I FUCKING LOVE SNOW CAPS ] and Resens and then uhmmmmm uhhhhh uhmmmmm sweet tarts.... but I made him a bouquete out of carboard and wrote on it a note and gave him some fake flowers so i could put a plushie inside! i gave him this really cute plush of him holding a heart anyways after that we went to sushi king but out DUMBASSES decided to go right before they closed because they downtime between 4 and 6 or something so if we waited we couldn't been there longer... either way we FEASTED and ordered like 20 things and Logan though that a roll of sushi was like 1 peice so he was about to order 6 VOLCANO ROLLS BRUH i had to explain to him what it ment and it was sillyyyy but he ordered 2 or every roll which made it wso we had SO MUCH food but here's what i ordered: Miso soup, Shrimp fired rice, shrimp tempura, edamame, rainbow roll, shrimp tempura roll, 12 salmon, and then we ordered shrimp tempura dumplims which were yummy wer couldn't eat all of it because we lowkey got kicked out because they closed for downtime between dinner and lunch and we should've gone for dinner because afterwards we learned that they have a bigger menu!!! either way... we ate so much food bruh i felt so bloated it took my body so long to process it n stuff but i had such a great time on valentines day i was super duper nervous the days leading up to it because I've never had a valentines in general and i was just so happy man


it got better

I feel so dumb venting on this site but it is MY site so i can talk about what i want i hate being sad sometimes because I'm a very visual person so when im sad i guess i look sad?? I dunno but everyone kept asking if i was okay brah it's just embrassing I guess but I'm glad my friends care about me :] anyways pretty stressed out and lowkey contemplating deletelinbg my last blog because i don't like venting and BLEGGGGHHHH oh yeah i FINALLY downloaded some new pixels which i really needed to do because the emojis are awesome but theres not like... sad ones -this guy works lowkey so hooray!! so i found this little bear guy which i think he's pretty cutie, i need to make a graphics dump sometime so everyone can get all of the pixels that i have lawl I'm hoping my boyfriened is feeling better tomorrow because UGGHHH I MISS HIM i don't think I've missed him so much like ever brah i have a whole plan for what I'm gonna get him but i know he reads my blog so I'm not gonna mention It shhh... i mean i can and do the thing where i hide it but i know his curious ass is gonna read it brah uhmmm day is still kinda mid i get to play tetris with my friend after school so thats is gonna eb GOAAATTTEDD and then I'm gonna wait for the new TLT album to come out and beg and pray. I made a tlt playlist but i added some Qbomb onto it too because they're pretty similar and bit just keeps playing Qbomb instead of TLT so I'm gonna have to remove most of it [rip Qbomb on my playlist you're very relatable] oh yeah the Qbomb album i actual,y own on CD which is AWEEESOMMEEE it's litteraly so goated and relatable i've been listening to it since like 2022 and it still applies to me 3 years later like bruh EASYWAY OUT IS MY JAAMMM and same with their new EP! it came out around the time i had a crush on my boyfriend and UGGHHUHUHUHG IT WAS SO RELATABLE I COULDN'T BRUH THATB SHIT WENT ON MY STATUS ASAP i feel like a broken record for talking about how much i love love love love love love love love the new tlt sound "Be alone" I just love it so much like "IIIII I WANT TO STAY UP ALLL NIGHTTTT I DON'T WANT TO STAY ALONE I DON'T WANT TO BE ALONEEE" LIKE YES I HEAR YOU ZERO_ONE PREACH BRUH please release the album tlt I'm begging i need ittttttt also i recently listened to one of their songs i like refused to listen to because it was a random single [wehat the hell was i thinking bruh] I actually love their single the love i need it's a banger! i need to have more seciontions of this site where i can rat about music like a like mini blogs like one for food and music like UGHHH u wanna revamp this site so bad bruh like it needs a rework so bad i want it to be moblie friendly too so I wanna learn how to code that adn UGHHH i wanna learn i wanna learn so much like IMPORTANT things or even just INTRESTING things liek If i'm being honest I'm very intrested in what we're learning about in biology like i love learning about the DNA and mRNA like that COOL! I went to the libaray revcently and I bought a couple of books about space and cook book and I'm starting a reading journal with friends soon! we're gonna read out own books and write about what we think about them and suggest books to eachother, i really thought it would be a cool idea as real human reccomendations is something we don't have now n days. Like it's all the allogrthm suggesting videos and books like "if you liked this you'll like this" like people need to decide for themselves what they like not a ROBOT. Ugh i love ranting on here i can yap alllll daaaay!! thanks so much for 8,000+ views by the way!! i love ya'll so much :D!



slight vent idk

I had really weird night last night while my friends were watching the super bowl i was TWEAKING about some personal stuff and I'm not gonna go into detail but last night SUCKEDD and the song be alone by living tombstone is so me bruh [and the entire zero_one album hehe] I'm literaly so scared of being alone and my bf leaving me n stuff. not being in a relationship before is really weird because both me n him don't understand what we're supposed to do and It's quite strange. I hate my brain so much sometimes btw it's really annoying when I'm tryna live my life and it keep feeding me what ifs i didn't want to hear or when I get upset my brain has a little voice that yells at me. I'm quite upset because my pookie boo isn't at school again and is also SICK UGGHHHUHUHUH so i can't talk to him about how I'm feeling and 2... I don't wanna be here bruh I hate school sometimes it's so pointless what i want to do [animation] doesn't really corralate with most of my classes [besides art] and I'm still confused about going for an advance diploma :p

I've decided I'm gonna section off my vent areas for people who don't want to read them n stuff also it just makes me feel better doing that also i keep forgetting anytime i want i can just delete them and no ones is gonna care other than some weird stuff last night I had a pretty good weekend, the only bad thing is that i have a ton of etsy work i need to do I hung out with my friend kenny which was awesome i always love hanging out with them bruh they're so nice and they always are able to give me good adivce on how I'm feeling I am hopfully my day will get better because yk dumb ah brain but i always try to have hope. I don't know if it's stupid but hoping that things with get better or thats a light at the end of the tunnel always helps me process my feelings tbh.

I'm goig insane

If you follow me on insta you prolly know I'm going insane [BECUASW OF TLT] the new single "be alone" it's SO GOOOD IT"S SO PERFECT I LOVE THE LIVING TOMBSTONE THEY'RE ALL I'm LISTENING TO RN BRUH I LOVE THEM I NEED A LIVE SHOW TICKET I NEED THE NEW ALBum 5 years after the 1st one came out it's still so good lazy and drunk have been on repeat I'm going insane I can't imagine what the other songs are gonna sound like I m jyst so excited bruh i know rthere's gonna be a song even better than be alone bruh i feel it and i can't wait to loop this alnbun on repeat iver n over again i justb want it rn i need it i know it's gonna be perfect i know it will be relatable i know it i just feel it deep in my bones i know it will i beileve it will i love THE KIVIINGNTONBSTONENS ISOOPAS

also did anyone notice that sugar for brains site doesn't exist anymore...?




Either way I'm unabe to go because my parents said no I need them to go back to DC because thats the closest because my ass is not gonna be able to go to new york for the concert... BUT they haven't announced all of their tour dates yet so I'm BEGININNNGNGNGNNGNKGIDIHGBOSB that they come to DC because i NEEEEEDDD to see them live I NEEDD ITTTT dude they are so cool I love Zero_One so much it's one of my favorite albums of all time bruh I'm litterally the song lazy and like half of the other songs are so me coded!!!!! When i actually listen listened to the album in 2022 I could relate to It so much and the new single for it's sequel album [rust maybe? we don't know the name of it yet ] but the single released today but my BOO won't LET ME LISTEN TO IT IN THE CAR BECASUE IT WAS LIKE 6 IN THE MORNING [I mean understandable but STILL] I'm like ITCHING to listen to this song bruh as soon as lunch hits I'm running outside and listening to it bruh [I sit outside lawl] ugh it was raining yesterday and me and my gang had to sit in the stupid stupid cafiteria i hate it in there I'm in drivers ed and we're playing a kahoot rn I'm actually soo friggin bored i don't wanna be here bruh I"M SO FUCKING HUNGRY I NEEEDDD TLT INJECTED INTO MY VEINS BRUH I NEED TO LOSTEN TO WTHHAT NEW SONG THIS REMINDS ME OF WHEN HIT THE SNOOZE CAME OUT AND IT APPLIED EXACTLY TO WHAT WAS GOING ON IN MY BRAIN BUT I GOT TO LISTEN TO IT EARLY BECAUSE I NOTICED IT WAS AVAIABLE ON OTHER PLATFORMS BEFORE THE MUSIC VIDEO CAME OUT BE ALONE SOUNDS OS GOOD BRUH I NEED TO HEAR IT FULLY OR I'M GONNA GO INSANE "I'M FIGHTING EVERY INSTINT IN MY STUPID FUCKING BRAIN" [hit the snooze ref lawl] Can i be honest, i actually hated the CG5 and tlt collab I'm not the biggest fan of CG5's voice even befoire like everyone started hating on him for like no reason just a personal preference also TLT being a brony is really funny lets be honest here

after i listened to the new song:


theory about the future album

Okay so their last album "Zero_One" was about their tombsonas of the same name, and the album is very obviously gonna be green so i think the new album is gonna be about "Rust"and also called "Rust"

[just checked the album is confirmed rust! I'm glad it's NOT gonna be called zero 2 lawl]

okay so if you look at the lyrics It very much lines up with rusts character which we learned about in this video so we can assume that the album is gonna be a bit more poltical than the last one can i just say sam haft and Yoav Landau are so goated i love sam's vocals for the raping parts they tickle my ears [i need to get more pixels lol] I'm really excited for this album I'm gonna listen to be alone on repeat bruh also YES IT APPLIES TO MY LIFE RN LAWL I LOVE YOU LIVING TOMBSTONE UGHHH

[these suits are so FUCKING COOOOLL ]



I accidentally took on too much work with my Etsy I have like 16 orders i need to complete and I'm making good money I think after 3 years I'm finally making minimum wage with is awesome but i just have been feeling really sad recently. I feel like I'm letting my boyfriend down constantly because he doesn't like to see me sad which yeah i don't like seeing myself sad either lawl I wanna be happy so bad it's not even funny bruh I'm like constantly trying to find a new intrest I feel like I'm just so bored and unmotivated I have a comic con soon and i really need something to be intrested in because yokai watch is not hitting, same with mlp [actually i need to finish that lowkey i never watched season 9] maybe I'll do that also I LOST MY HEADPHONES UGGGHHHH MY NICE ONES ARE GONE AND MY BACKUPS I LEFT AT LOGANS I GONNA KMS I have my wires tho thank god... s3rl save me bruh... I really want to get more into scene culture with kandi beads n stuff because i made a couple of panty and stocking ones [well more so panty and brief because my friend Kenny made Stocking lawl] but yeah my mental health is doing TERRIBLEEEEEE UGGGGHHH I NEED A NEW INTREST BRUHB IM GONNA KMS also i added an about me page onto my site which is awesome sauce... I had alot of fun working on it too! I've been thinking about reworking my home page soon or after I take a coding class or something because i suck ass at coding my srat is 1. find a template 2. change the code around and customize it 3. done :p like i use sadgirl ALOOOTT But i hope over the summer i can learn how to code :] lowkey holding out till valenties day because my boo said we would be sushi king and i fuckin love sushi king bruh... oh shit I just realized i never talked about how i used to live in Japan [mwehee blog post for later...] anyways UGGGHHHHHHH MY BOYFRIEND ISN'T AT SCHOOL IM KILLING MYSELF I'm actually so excited for valentines day I'm gonna give hime 10 billion candies and 10 billion kisses mwehe


My Boyfriend is a Seal

My boyfriend told me once "I wish that im reincarnated as a seal so i can be a fat fuck and bounce around all day" so now whenever i see a seal I think of him. I'm in class and i really want to watch videos of seals bouncing around and slapping their tummies bruh but all of the videos i see are them swimming around but NOOOO I WANNA SEE THEM BOUNCE AROUND N SHIT LIKE COME ONNNNNNN



Heyo! I don't know what my age range is for my blog but this is def not for younger audiences lawl [you be the judge I don't care] SPOILERS ALSO!!

UGGGGHHH I LOVE PANTY AND STOCKING OH MY GODDDDDDD I FINALLY got a new intrest and of course it has to be terribly offensive I feel like for half of my intrests I'm fighting for my life defending them like ANYTHING newgrounds related


I LOVED this show back in 2021 so it makes since why it's looping around again, the style is really inspirational espically because i was obbessed with invader zim also and THOSE LINESSS UGGGGGHHH I'M DROOLING EVERYWHERE I feel like if you enjoy stylized animation at all you've seen this show it just OOZES expressiveness and creativity. A show of It's kinds is quite rare in the anime scene, besides recently getting the scott pligrim anime back in 2024, this show was a pioneer of styles in the anime scene like TELL ME A SHOW THAT LOOKS LIKE THIS!!

the unfortante..

Like every anime this show has very racist and has very racist characters like Garterbelt having donut lips n such. But it's really weird like sometimes the donut lips are drawn on background characters sometimes they're not, i guess it depends on whos animaiting which sucks BALLS I like Gaterbelt i think the idea of a preist guy having to rangle these weird ass angels is a good concept for the show i hope that the design change is permentate [no donut lips] I wish his design was better like I'm not very informed on what is and what is NOT a caricature because his afro looks so lame and stupid it should be puffy and circular not stupid smooth and round i just think it looks stupid personal. I swear to god if some stupid ass animator changes his lips back PLEASE BRUH i actually hate the racism in this show bruh it's like lemme enjoy the show stop shoving these racist caricature's in my face!!!!

I'm going insane

There updated designs look AMAZING I can't beileve it's been 15 years since the first series but i don't think we're getting a continuationj only a soft reboot sadly.. Like bruh 15 year cliffhanger is crazy espically if we don't get a conclusion too it but in one of the pervious teasers we saW like a ghost verison of stocking and in the VERY1ST teaser for season 2 we saw panty reform from her cubes so either Stocking being a devil was reconed or it was a clone or something her being a devil would also make sense because Panty was the one that always killed the ghosts with her cool as gun and Stocking was support but BRUH if thet retcon all of the stuff about brief and Panty I'm gonna go ballistic BRUH the last two episodes were my favorite [BESIDES THE SCANTY AND KNEE SOCKS EPISODE WE'LL GET THERE BRUHHHHH] but Brief actually beinf Panty's 1st but also 1000 is CRAZY I LOVED IT BRUH AND IF THATS GONE I'M gonna be a tad bit upset

I love these two character Scanty and Kneesocks so much bruh

they're so cool I wanna make fanmerch for them SO BADDD but for right now I just made Panty and Stocking standees mwehehe more about that here if you wanna know about my store lawl BUT BRUHUHHHHHH I LOVE THEM SO MUCH I'M GONNA START TWEAKING

Knee socks and Panty are my faves out of both duos

I'm not done yet lemme keep cooking.... I'm gonna watch the rest of season 1 tonight I was holding off on watching it because my friend said that they would watch it wth me but we didn't finish so I'm gonna ask if they're fine with me rewatching the rest of it :p


I actually tweaked tf out over my future yesterday brah

Yesterday during english we had to pick classes and right now I'm going for a standard diploma [still am lowkey every adult has told me theres not difference and I said to one of my friends "yo will I lowkey screw my future over by not doing any ap classes or going for an advanced diploama" and he was like "yeah" and i started TWEAKING BRAH [lowkey embarrising i started cryin n shit] and now I'm lowkey thinking about going for an advanced dipolma because all i would need for it would be 3 years of spanish [but i HATED my spanish teacher so i quit so next year I'll prolly take spanish 2 and then senior year I'll take spanish 3 so In short I NOW have a slight backup plan if my animation degree doesn't work out at 1st, I'm gonna get a minor in buisness so I can get a good job but i was stressing out and crying for like 3 fuckin hours after school because I had stage crew and I was hungry so my boyfriend [oh my god he's such a legend] took me to get chick fil a and i was just sobbing and I just couldn't stop because I felt like abosulute DOG SHIT like I just got told theres a chance i won't be able to do what I've been wanting to do since I was like 2 and I'm sobbing just tryna make myself feel better by stuffing this food in my face but It didn't help bruh!!! I just kept crying I'm not a big fan of talking about my feels on here because it just feels pointless sometimes but just BLEGHHG [i fuckin love this emoji btw i wish i could use it when i'm texting no other emoji encapsulates the feeling it envotes inside of me] i'm feeling better because i'm at school and i saw my gang this morning [holy fuck they're so goated i love them sm] uhhhh yeah I hope this feeling passes soon i hate it so much


Winter break over :(

Holy shit I am not excited to go back to school between my mental health declining and feeling sad for no reason for the past couple of days I just really don't wanna go back brah on a more positive note I finally came up with an idea for a one shot comic! my mind wandered one time and I made Risk of Rain Two ocs because my Boyfriend is obessed with it [understandbly that game is goated] but now I decided to just make them space robots and I'm gonna try and convice my boo to help with the space worldbuilding because he is THE space guy but I'm hoping i can make that my oneshot comic to pratice panelling n stuff :p I also made a concept for a splatoon fan comic which would actually be fire asf if i could actually start it I have the character sheets done and everything but I'm not gonna show them jusssst yeeeeeeeet because the name of one of them is a spoiler!!! I also have concepts for an object show comic [I REALLY WANT TO DO THIS ONE I ALREADY STARTED THE ROUGH DRAFT BRUH ] I just need to finish the rough draft. I finally figured out how i want to make comics and draw! It's just making the sketch and erasing it because i like the way the lines look, i did it for a soon to be comic con banner! oh yeah i have a comic con I'm going to in febuaray and im stressed the FART out about it because i can't mess this up bruh!!! I've been planning the layout of my booth for MONTHS And i wanna get it perfect anyways since school is starting again we have STUPID phone policy which I can guarantee no one is gonna actually follow thats it for now bye bye



BROOOOOO OH MY GOOODDDDDDD I actually need winter break to come soon or im gonna EXPLODE I made a dumbass list full of shit i wanted to do but i'm gonna get rid of that so i can do whatever i want. The only thing I'm gonna make a list for is prolly like... etsy stuff like restock and like sticker bonus restock. I had this idea for a MASSIVE box just full of bonus stickers so I'm gonna make that so I don't have to keep wasting time cutting out bonus stickers during work days. I wanna focus on making my new stickers [The it's time for the stickers and Murder Drones ones] Also the murder drones stickers are my 1st item to become a bestseller so I'm gonna retake the photo for it soon :P. but bruh I've been really stressed with real life stuff and school because like I've already stopped caring about school but i still have work i need to do [2 assignments] actually so happy tho I read ahead and finished the book we're reading inEnglish because i actually hate my teacher sm and the book we're reading she's treating it like it's a fiction novel but no??? It's called "The Night" by Elie Wisel and it's written by a holocaust survior and she's not treating it like a non fiction novel but like it's just some other book playing a recording and asking the stupidest questions like "what do you think will happen next in the book?" hmmmm i wonder..... anyways I'm actually so done with school sorry for no emojis i forgot


bruh i cannot code

I'm tryna code a simple div [ a box ] with a scroll bar only at the bottom so you can scroll from side to side but not up and down and my DUMBASS cannot figure this shit out currently worrking on revamping my whole art page layout because i don't like the art posts shit so I MAKING A NEW THING I'm gonna work on it over winter break because I'm like SO CLOSE to being done with work stuff and schoolso then i can work on my website more also apparently miku is gonna be in fortnite? thats cool as hell



Kinda just a rant and info dump on work and art realted stuff]

winter break/Etsy Work

Once i get all of my etsy work is done I can FINALLY work on an animation that's not even close to being finished and i want ot get it out on christmas/the 24th because it's actually a remake of a video i made 5 YEARS AGO but I decided I'm gonna be closing on the 18th like last year because GOD DAMN I'm not staying open until the 20th! [when my winter break starts for some reason :p] I love my job dearly its just I keep stressing about it and doing It all by myself is starting to kick in. During holidays is mainly when I get more orders n stuff which is AWESOME but also it SUCKS because I have to do it allllll by myself because i have a certain way that i do things and I can't get help from anyone else because 1. I like doing it all by myself and 2. no one can understand how i work other than myself tbh

I need to change my "art posts" side of my site

doing this "art rant" is making me realize that the "art post" section of my site is lowkey pointless I think I'm gonna do an art archive style to the art side and someone what "sugar for brains" did [their site is so cool bruh] I'm gonna look at more peoples sites for inspiration though, i don't want to take after one person lmao

Youtube Channel

Going back to my Youtube channel i was talking about earlier my youtube channel is turning 6 YEARS OLD NEXT YEAR I made it when i was like 9 i think and it started off as a gacha life youtube channel LMAO but it turned into an animation channel like 5 months later and then i made that christmas animation I'm gonna remake which I'm really happy about It's looking AMAZING so far but I'm not even half way done which I'm stressing about because i never "finsihed" my 5 year aniversary [I still uploaded it] the colored and lined parts I'm really proud of so maybe I'll finsihed it one day

Object Show Comic

so I've been working on an object show comic for like the past couple of weeks but because of work and school so I'm hoping i can actually work on it soon It's gonna be called UNO [i dunno] I thought it was cool and the orignal dumb drawing said "one" and i was like "wait thats already a PEAK object show lemme change that" so i changed it to "UNO" the characters are all drawn but they're not gonna have assets [well not like how animation ones work] They're gonna be drawn over and over again because It's a comic! I wanna get it printed and give one to JNJ and AnimationEpic because they're the biggest inspiration and there's gonna be references to many object shows too! the hardest part is definietly is trying to get the iconic "object show humor" down but me and my bf's object show sonas i made are gonna be in it [IM THE 3DS HE'S THE LOG] and i wanna animate that "results" trend thats going around so I'm gonna LOCK IN on my work soon!

One shot?

I have a really hard time making character designs and giving them away so I thought doing a one shot where i make NEW character deisgns for one story and one story only could help with that! I wanna do some sort of design portfolio exersize and comic exersize as I wanna make a TON of comics! [I'll be writing about their universes one day lmao] speaking of that I had an idea for a short comic series called "NOOB and Steve" based off of noob and steve from roblox and minecraft to pratice comic paneling and writing but then i realized "wait i can't write romanice for SHIT" so i scraped that idea like an hour later


i reallllly wanna make some kind of youtube video where I pratice making new character designs for a one shot and trying to not get too attached n stuff because i have a hard time making character designs and just like... leaving them alone

always chrunching

I feel like when I'm working or drawing I'm always chruching due to my poor procrastination skills [i always wait until last mintueso I really wannw work on that soon! espically with all of the motivation i have for animation now

The Future

I really wanna go to SCAD or some sort or art school to get a degree in animation as it's beena dream of mine since i was like... 10 so if i don't I'm DEAD [not really lmao]

okay thats it bye byeeee


I feel like I've hit a big creative block

I dunno man I just find it really hard to motivate myself to work on projects and create new items for my store I really want to do some inaminate Insanity items because the finally came out and IT WAS PEAK!!! [i ranted about it if you wanna go read it it's on the side nav [spoilers for everything!]] anyways I've also been drowning in orders because it's christmas time and people order alot of stuff during christmas so i'm planning on using the money to restock and TON of stuff + order new stuff also! [this is starting to sound like it belongs ojn store updates but BLEGH I DON't CARE] but I've also been really unmotivated to work on personal projects because it's like "oh this drawing could turn into a sticker or poster!" but I JUST WANA DRAAAWWW everything i do feels like it has to be related to school, Etsy, or this website. I LOVE working on this webisite i just don't know what else to add anymore besides blog all of time so i feel uncomplete. Also because i had to put out a ton for stuff because I'm very unexperienced in coding and I'm using templates most of the time [besides on the index and photo album kinda] I really wanted to do a setion called "my universe" where you could explore my BIG ASS UNIVERSE full of my characters and stories and read the comics, but everything was too high demanding for my poor coding skills maybe one dad I'll add them


I have wrist problems because of Art Fight 2023

So back in 2023 I participated In my 1st artfight and I locked the FUCK In I made like 32 drawings in one month and overworked myself on accident So i was like "hey my wrist hurts pretty bad buuuutttt i really wanna finish these drawings!!!" So i kept drawing and drawing doing revenges n stuff and after it ended i wasn't like "i should take a break" I decided to do a bunch of drawings to adpot a bunch of random toyhous.e characters [i gave them all away because i didn't like owning designs i didn't makje n stuff] so my wrist kept hurting and i draw everyday too. so ever since then [august 2023] I've been having problenms with my wrists and It sucks ASS and I've been going to the doctor about it and i just need to do wrist exersizes but i forget so It just keeps getting worse, like even as I'm typing it hurts I really wanna learn how to write with my left hand because that would be HANDY


I spent way too long on that Inaminate Insanity post I didn't hear anything my teacher said whoops

uhmmmm please watch inaminate insanity before readig the post btw or just like... don't read it LMAO



HOLY SHIT OKAY Inaminate Insanity's second season offically ended and holy shit i wanna ramble about it so spoilers for ALL OF IT If IF you have never watched Inaminate Insanity probably don't read this i spoil EVERYTHING FROM ALL SEASONS

this part was 47 mintues long bruh which i was SOOOO happy about no joke! the finale for murder drones was only like 25 mintues long [SHORTER THAN THE PILOT LMAOOOO] I am quite jelous that people got to watch the movie in fuckin LA but I'm so far away i couldn't I LOVED THIS SO FUCKING MUCH AUGGHHH

II was my 1st object show so I'm actually really upset

it's over because I've been waiting for season 2 to finish for like 6 years! and I wish i could've waited longer... I never watched season 3 until it ended and I'm really happy I did because BOT is justa great character man and I'm PISSED OFF THEY WERE OFF SCREEN IN THE FINALE


i never really shiped them because i they didn't get enough screen time but in episode 17 when Paper yelled "HE IS NOT YOUR BOYFRIEND" i definiety saw it bruh [NOW I WANNA BUY THOSE KEYCHAINS ON ETSY GRAAAGGH]

Mephone4S coming back

him coming back actually made me giggle and kick my feet [and punch my boyfriend out of excitement] because 1. HE WAS IN SEASON 3 AND I WANTED MORE THAN JUST ONE VOICE LINE FROM HIM 2. I LOVE HIM BUT THAT COOKIED DOWN BRUH!!!! Him talking to Knife was great actually and

Knifes scarifice

bro it was was mh PERFECT Marshmello was being such a bitch to him bruh I'm glad he scarificed himself for her n stuff but now he can't comfort suitcase and that made me sad bruh also i have a feeling testube and fan can like use their science and bring them back m stuff because they're NERDS


I got box being alive spoiled for me a bit because i saw her like alive n stuff in a thumbnail but that was it everyone treating box like they were alive the whole time and acting like it was a bit was really funny lowkey and now it makes sense why they removed the old box captions because they changed the twist in stuff


Cobs was so good in this episode [villian wise] it definiety put into perspective that Mephone is actually just a kid like I headcannon him to be like 30 or something because of voice but mentally he's just a kid and he doesn't know anything and Cobs was being EXTRA EVIL just straight up punching him and everything like the pure rage like OH MY GOD [I'm so happy he exploded btw]

Mephones Voice actor COOKED

Mephone's voice actor has really imporved over the years because like It's Adam's father and dam he COOKED like the emotion you can hear behind mephone's voice when he says "You're alive?" BRUH THAT WAS SO GOOD Mephone has always been my favroite since i was younger so I'm happy that he has someone like 3gs to hangout with n stuff because like "It's so good to see you" IS FINALLY RESPONDED WITH YOU TO BRUH RAHHHGHGHHH OH MY GOODDDDD I LOVE INAMINTE INSAITY SO MUCH

Call backs and references

oh my god they were so good i was giggling HEHEHE the final song was really good with all if the references to past songs, and the call back to Mephones talking hand because of 4S's scarfice GRAGH that was really cute also "no more it gets good just skip season 1" IS SOMETHING I ACTUALLY TELL PEOPLE SO FELT CALLED OUT well don't skip season 1 it's very very very important for context [espicallyf for later season 2 with taco like bruh when i was younger i had no idea who the hell she was because i skipped it in the beginning but don't worry i've watched season 1 like 4 times by now] at most I've actually skipped season 3 [i watched it eventually] but Logan never did so i filled him in a bit


all of the music was so good for the whole movie and show like "the future is so yesterday" has been stuck in my head for like MONTHS same with tacos tirade Mepad's voice actor and Taco's in that COOKED


HOLY SHIT IT WAS SO SMOOTH the show has improved in style and just everything espically since season 1 because now they have that classic object show style that many have before bfb era of object shows. To be honest i prefer the classic style of object shows with the orignal bfdi mouths instead of the hand draw ones. more modern object shows like It's time for the and TPOT lean more towards this style and it looks amazing but i just prefer the classic on you know? I think inaminate instanity really built on the style of the orignal BFDI with season 2 and i just hate how they threw it away with Season 3 bruh like I'm not a big fan of the season 3 style, i actually prefer the season 3 contestants in the season 2 style! It just screams more inaminate insanity to me [also the colors are too bright for me]


I'm really intrested to see what the adamation team does next i would love to see an episodic type show with the season 2 cast as the egg alien dudes were all like "They're gonna need this" ON MY LIFE THATS A RECOVERY CENTER!!! BALLOON NEEDS THAT SHIT HE WILL DIEEEEEEEEE anyways thats it bye byeeeee


Oh my god it's december tomorrow?!

This year went by too fast many i feel like I was rotted beyond hell I'm lowkey really pissed off my football team is really good because I have to keep wasting my fridays doing dumb ah marching band it sucks ass mainly because it's my boyfriends birthday on one of the extended football games and I was gonna do special special secret!!! Also i just learned today that you can add scratch games to your neocities so I've been working on a dress up game for the past hour n a half while re watching TPOT I LOVE OBJECT SHOWS SM BRUH!!! Me and Logan are planning on going to the next BFDI x II meetup together because we missed this years and that shit looked FIREEEEEEEEEEEEEEE I'm so upset we didn't go but it was far away n stuff and there is NO WAY either of our parents would've allowed it The Inaminate Insaity Finale came out yesterday but because of a DUMB AH FOOTBALL GAME I DIDN"T WATCH IT!! me and Logan have been watching the new episodes together so we're waiting to watch it together because we couldn't hangout today and i got SHIT SPOILED FOR MEEEE tomorrow though I'm gonna be geeking about it on my blog prolly lmao I'm hoping to get the site offically finished soon because I'm lowkey kinda tired of working on it plus i have checklist and i wanna get the "finish site" box checked off +then i can dick around and post whatever after and not have to code code code code and look for templates because my dumb ass doesn't actually know how to code and i just edit templates [LIKE THIS ONE!!!!] anyways bruuh it's actually naptime [11:05] so nighty night!!



WE FINALLY GOT OUT OF SCHOOL OH MY GOOOOODDD i don't know why but school has been very boring recently like holy shit get me outta hereeeee!! well it's probably ebcause I've been staying up too late that's my own fault okay so like apparently my art teacher got to go to college for free because of being a burger king scholar which you can just appply for?! she told us about how her teacher paid for her SAT because she was super duper smart! but because of COVID she figured out she wanted to major in art and just changed her major but she got to basically go to college for free n stuff. there was more to the story but i FORGOT LIKE A DUMBASS anyways I'm AMERICAN RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH so i get 5 days off!!! I'm hoping i can catch up on all of these orders i have for my etsy [LIKE 27] I don't like to talk about my etsy on my personal blog because thats what the store updates + I'm nervous !!! It's christmas time so I'm DROWNING in orders so i need to make sure they'll get done ASAP! I was thinking about closing the store on the 20th because people do late late late shoping + thats when my christmas break starts for some reason [i get to come back on JAN 6th tho so i don't care] bro for my english class [I HATE MY ENGLISH CLASS BRAH ] i was doing the assignment and earlier that day it got deleted so i had to redo it it was annoting as hell! it was on some new program my teacher was using and i didn't understand why she didn't just use Google Docs like it would've been so much easier but okay, i had to email her and everythang. Thankfully she's switching back to docs because of the error.



the following is an interview with the victum

Paper: A kid said my Iphone mini was small, I girl HALF WAY across the room made a joke saying it was average, and I agreed cus I thought it was funny as shit. He yells at me and the other guy and we get taken out the class for all of 15 secounds before he swings the door open to scold us. he "Didnt have time to yell at us or be proffesional" but he could "still have time to write us up"


school phone policy

holy FART okay so in the begining of the school year my stupid ass school annouced there would be a new school phone policy. I didn't really think anything of it because i don't really play on my phone much during school unless it's to talk to my friends or something. But like during lunch i have it on me and sometimes i pull it out n stuff but like oh my god it's going to be no phones during lunch either. the way the policy is working is so fucking stupid, it's like from the 1st bell to the last bell no phones at all which personally i don't really care about but like STILL IT'S DUMB half of the reason we have this policy is prolly because of all the school fights n stuff because they keep being posted and shared around BAHAHA my friend "Paper" made an edited video of two girls fighting with like smash bros icons ontop + made an ultra kill edit of these two guys fighting and it was so good that people tired making other edits to "matc a fraction of his power" BAHAHA . my current english teacher [which like no one in my grade likes to be honest + no one in the school likes either LMAO] she went on a whole ass rant for like 20 FUCKING MINTUES about how she LOVES the new policy and can't WAIT for it to be inacted on in like january after christmas break!!! i literally kept her talking so i didn't have to do school work it was awesome this one math teacher keeps saying like "omga! it's gonna be amazing ya'll are gonna have to interact with eachother!!" omga! it's almost like some people are anti social and have anxiety bruh this one teacher is like i know i'll be fine because im not a screenanger i just like being online n stuff + i have a hardrive that i put a ton of music and videos on. like bro i actually should make a seprate blog about it because i love this thing so much I'm literally so happy I'm keeping my long hair because it's sooooo easy to hide my earbuds during class like they have no idea mwehehehe


just had to run the mile with like no preperation and that shit sucked! I also had to stay up like super late last night because i have like 10 7 orders due today and it takes me waaaaaay too long to pack them. I love my job tho and i'm so grateful that i'm actually able to make a profit off of my art! I never thought i'd get here in life with it lowkey... i mean every since i was like 10 it was my dream to become an animator and thats getting closer and closer everyday with college n all. I mean in junior year people actually start talking about college but i think i have SAT's this school year so I've gotta make sure to study eventually.


Kinda boring weekend well not really i got to hangout with my boyfriend which was awesome of course Today Is our 5 months actually which is crazy! sadly we can't hangout today because we have DND after school and we're like in the final battle of our current capaign and 2 we have band practice after school which sucks ass because It's for like 3 hours and it's soooo borrrinnggggg I've got so many orders and other etsy work i need to do which is great but it also isn't because that means i won't have any time to try and play BO6. brah i downloaded that last night and it was 300 GIGABYTES shits crazy man... I'll have to post some actually storys about like... stuff that happened and not just me yapping n shit lmao i really really really wanna talk about one of my favorite bands ever And One. Their style is so uqiue and no one talks about them besides their most popular song "miliatry fashion show"


My week went by pretty fast lowkey... my weekend was okay i guess i usually hangout with my boyfriend but he went out of state to vist his brother and his niece! [guess i'm an uncle now lawl [well techincally he already had a nepthew BUT STILL]] week was alright i got monday off because of vertrans day and i saw my grandpa [he was in the army if i remember correctly] and later in the day i got icecream with my dad because he's active duty and gets free stuff lawl. DND was ALMOST canceled on tuesday BUT since we have 2 dugeon masters one of them was able to run the whole thing by himself. For context we have a MASSIVE DND group like 10+ people hopfully some people are going to leave soon because i don't know if my duegon masters can handle this many the latest sesh was okay but this one kid "Krator" [his character's name] might be faking his rolls because he hasn't gotten anything below a 10 yet Wenesday I had to stay after for stage crew and paint some stuff for our show choir show and i ended up dripping paint like everywhere it sucked! thursday i like had no work and friday [today] i have like 1 assigmemnt. I'm hoping to work on my object show comic soon and post it! I already made a comic fury for it and i was considering also posting it on webtoon??? i dunno the flow of it doesn't work that way

on a more sader note i found out that one of my friends passed away on friday... I wasn't very close with him but i still consider him a friend, he was very nice and was actually my dugeon master for my first ever dnd campaign i had a ton of fun and i thank him for that. I was on stage crew for my school and he was in the show chior show he graduated last year and it's crazy to think he's not here anymore... i've never really experienced a loss before espically with someone around my age group so it's a new feeling for me. May he rest in piece.


I finally finished the blog! I'm really happy with how it turned out I'm not that great of a coder and i only know the basics so I'm glad i was able to find some templates to get started with... I do eventually plan on making something 100% original but for now this is how i do it and i love it! I'm just a big fan of customization so thanks to everyone on neo cities that makes templates! and also to my friend Chrono who knows how to code n stuff [he got me back into the whole online website stuff and i love it!] currently still doing that school work lmao it's fr just one question i just got distracted with this website lmao. I'm going to design a header then I'm offically done working on the blog for a bit, next thing I'll do is the store updates and the photo album. I don't know what to do for the "my universe" part of the site because I made a plan and drew it all out but i don't know how to code that right now and I don't really have the time with school n all so for now I'll just info dump on some of my character [i have over 35 including sonas] next post will be an actually blog post trust!


I'm so hungry right now oh my gawwwdd working on this site is like so much fun though! sadly i have like... two assignments i need to do but only one of them is due today lmao which actually i should just do right now lowkey because like i only have one question left but my lazy ass still just doesn't want to do it


testing testing 1 2! working on the blog!
