Hello! My name is Kari M. I'm an creator and aspiring animatior!

I'm 15 [5/20/09] and my pronouns are He/They! I probably have ADHD or something similar :P

I'm currently In 10th grade and i have a boyfriend who I love so so much!

I'll be using this site as a site for bloging and art and updates for my store

This Site will be updated like 20 million gazillion times so don't mind all of the changes as I am still learning how to code with the help of my friend Chronosdvd! definitely go check out his site He's very cool and awesome

button3 button4 button2 button6

photos of me!

latest buddy adventure

[videos with my friends!]


  • 11/20/24 art posts added still planning on adding "my universe" and "intrests"
  • 11/16/24 store updates and photo album added!
  • 11/15/24 BLOG ADDED!!
  • 10/24/24 added header, joined a webring, and added some extra cool stuff
  • 10/10/24 Blinkies and stamps added
  • 10/10/24 Layout building
  • 10/10/24 Layout designing



I'm a beginner coder! I barely know anything so if something break let me know!

